Saturday, May 30, 2009

35 Weeks

Comparing bellies at the Santa Barbara Marina....

At our doctors appointment last Thursday, the OB pressed on Brooke's belly and immediately said, "the baby has dropped". For those who don't know, "dropping" or "lightening" refers to the baby moving downward in the pelvis. It's usually indicates that labor is only 2-4 weeks away! Another sign that confirms the baby has dropped is the measurement of where the heartbeat is loudest. Two weeks ago, the Doppler detected the loudest heartbeat near the Brooke's bellybutton. This week, the loudest heartbeat was at 3 inches bellow the bellybutton.

Brooke didn't put the clues together, but in hindsight, there were several changes as a result of the baby dropping:
(1) Breathing has become easier
(2) There's more pressure and pain the lower back
(3) Brooke's appetite is back, likely due to the reduced pressure on her stomach
(4) Bending at the waist has dramatically become more difficult and painful

Also, check out the video of the baby moving!

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