Farrel McWhirter Farm. Ryan and I have been going to this (free) farm in Redmond about twice per week for the last couple of months. He likes all the animals, especially the rabbits....
Making gingerbread cookies with dad....
Christmas Party at "The Club". Ryan had his picture taken with Santa, we saw a puppet show, and we took a video of him eating cantaloupe with a fork....
At a pediatrician visit on Nov. 16th (16 1/2 months old), Ryan's stats were: Height: 34 inches (97%) Weight: 25 lb. 9.4 oz (50%) Head: 49 cm (90%)
More shots with the new 85mm lens at Gasworks Park....
Ryan is almost able to climb stairs without using his hands....
Climbing a ladder....
Pincer grasp. Here's a follow-up video to the one I took when he's was 11 months old....
At an Egyptian church fundraiser with our friend Carol, we got some good food and did a cheesy dress-up fake-backdrop photo. The organizers are supposed to send us a photo with us standing in front of a sphinx, but it hasn't arrived yet. That's no problem cause I can just photoshop my own....
Ryan and I were in a car accident. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, but our beloved Honda Accord was totaled. We replaced it with a 2011 Honda CR-V EX-L....
Snowing in Seattle. Just 2-3 inches of snow wreaked havoc on our roads. Brooke and her dad's commute home from work took 5.5 hrs and 9.5 hrs, respectively. Traffic wasn't a problem for me and Ryan because we were at home enjoying the snow....
Thanksgiving. Brooke couldn't get out of work until 3:15pm on Wednesday, so we had to drive overnight in order to get to Reno at 8am on Thanksgiving Day (too late to do our traditional Turkey Trot race). Maybe it was the exhausting drive, but I didn't feel like taking many photos. These three are all I have to show for the entire trip....