Monday 10/8
Brooke begins maternity leave earlier than planned due to sciatica. (Connor's big head was pressing on both the left and right sciatic nerves causing Brooke extreme back pain).
Monday 10/15
The pregnancy is full term. At a regularly scheduled OB appointment, Brooke's cervix was measured at 4cm and 75% effaced, but no signs of contractions.
Thursday 10/18 9am
Brooke has a few light contractions, approx 10 minutes apart. She calls me to come home from work. By 10am the contractions seem to lessen.
Thursday 10/18 12pm
The contractions begin again, they are spaced at 5-7 minutes apart but are very mild, so Brooke is unconcerned.
Thursday 10/18 2pm
Brooke still isn't sure if she is in labor. I convince Brooke that we're getting close to rush hour and, even if we don't go to the hospital, we should at least cross the 520 bridge and drive into Seattle. Brooke finally agrees.
Thursday 10/18 3pm
As we're about to leave our home, the contractions are becoming significantly more intense. We head straight for the hospital.
Thursday 10/18 3:30pm
We check-in at the hospital.
Thursday 10/18 3:45pm
A physical exam shows Brooke is already 7cm dilated and 100% effaced.
Thursday 10/18 4:00pm
The picture below shows Brooke in between contractions and still cheery...
Thursday 10/18 4:30pm
Brooke gets an epidural, but it has no effect and provides no pain relief.
By this time, the room was quite lively. There were 3 doctors, 1 medical student, 3 anesthesiologists, 2 delivery nurses, 1 pediatric nurse…and the two-yr-old boy of Brooke's OB (she had to rush to the hospital on her day off).
Thursday 10/18 4:50pm
Brooke is fully dialated (10cm).
The anesthesiologists have given up making adjustments and tell Brooke to continue giving birth without a functioning epidural.
The two-yr-old boy's father arrives at the hospital to collect him.
The doctors break the amniotic sac, allowing the baby to move down the birth canal, shifting the pressure on Brooke's spine, and immediately Brooke feels the effects of the epidural. Just in time to start pushing.
Thursday 10/18 5:12pm
Connor is born….just 1hr 42 min after arriving at the hospital.
Brooke and Connor 3 hrs after birth...
Day 2...
And just before being discharged from the hospital, we finally decide on the name...